Friday, September 25, 2009

Seriously - What Is She Thinking?

submitted by Savannah

I have recently started hanging with a new group of moms. Our kids are all on the same team and so we are frequently thrown together in school gyms making small talk and getting to know each other. Mostly this has been a good experience. I like knowing the parents of my daughter's friends - it helps me keep tabs on her.

There is one mom though . . . well I guess she's nice enough but I barely know her and TWICE now she has told me in detail all about how her daughter was a "mistake" resulting from a one night stand with a man she barely knew.

In fact, she tells this story all the time, to anyone who will listen. It does not even matter to her if her daughter or the other girls are in earshot.

I can't imagine why she does this. Is it for attention? Does she think she's being funny? Is she trying to explain why her daughter looks nothing like her?

To be fair, it doesn't look like it bothers her daughter and she does seem to be a confident kid. But:
1) It can't be good for her self-image to have her mom telling this story over and over to EVERYONE.
2) It's not anybody's business.
3) Even if it were anyone's business, there are nicer ways to tell the story without using the word "mistake" and giving details of your sex life.

Maybe some day I'll know this lady well enough to say something to her, but maybe not. Because right now I am just trying to avoid her and hope I don't hear anything else I don't want to know!


  1. i know someone like this. same exact scenario. daughter from a one night stand. the father refuses to have anything to do with them and out of anger bitches and moans about what a terror her kid is and how she has to do it all alone via her myspace/facebook on a daily basis. i have been a single mom since my child was born as well but you deal with what you are thrown. her kid is def going to grow up with issues if her mom is constantly making her out to be a thorn in her side. i feel for this child.

  2. Oh no! How devastating for that young girl - if not now, then def sometime down the track. Sometimes people say things without thinking about the consequences and it becomes a kind of speil.

  3. That is a weird one. What is that lady thinking? I am guessing if someone did say something back that was equally outlandish then maybe she'd stop.

  4. Wow.

    Just. Wow.

    She sounds super insecure, and maybe she thinks that by being (way too) upfront about it, she has control of the story or something loony like that.

    Or maybe she's just a complete whack job.

    Her poor daughter!


Now remember, people are baring their very souls here. Please be kind. And for Pete's sake, keep it clean.