Sunday, September 13, 2009

Toilet Etiquette

submitted by
The Frumious Bandersnatch

Why upon getting engaged did the communication "DO NOT CROSS" line disappear for my mother-in-law? Shortly after my husband popped the question, my MIL thought it would be a good time to regale me with her digestive woes, while in the stalls, with other people in the public bathroom.

Is there a place on the internet that talks about toilet etiquette that I can reference? Here seems as good a place as any to start one.

"The rules as related to public bathrooms."

Rule #1: NO talking through doors. Not even if you think you are your friend are the only two people in the bathroom. Exceptions should be made for parents with small children, but try to keep the questions to "Are you done yet?" "Do you need some help?" or "Unlock this door!"

Rule #2: Don't you dare take an active electronic item into the bathroom. No computers and for heaven's sake DO NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE! My sister related a story of someone doing a job interview in the stall next to her at her office. (And yes the interview was for a different company.)

Rule #3: Make sure your toilet flushes. If it doesn't flush, notify someone. (Don't be embarrassed! You can ask them if they were aware a toilet doesn't flush, you don't have to confess to being the person who used it!)

Sub-Rule #3.1 - If icky toilet water splashed on the seat after you flush, be responsible and wipe it off, that's what the trash can in the stall is there for.

Rule #4: If the stall is out of toilet paper, you are morally obligated to tell the next person looking for a stall so that they don't go through the same experience.

Rule #5: Make sure your paper towel ends up in the trash can.

Rule #6: Do not prop open the door. Yes, you may think it is more hygienic to not have to touch the door handle after you have washed your hands, but there may be someone else in the bathroom who would prefer to not have the entire area outside hear what's going on.

Sub-Rule #6.1 - Do not have conversations with the door to the bathroom propped open.

Rule #7: If you decide to make a lagoon out of the sink area while washing your hands, please be nice and wipe it up once you are done. Lesson learned, be neater next time.


  1. Oh, this so reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine asks another woman to spare a square (of toilet paper) at a movie theatre and the woman (Seinfeld's new girlfriend) refuses. Funny, funny!

  2. #3 is my pet peeve - 'cause the next person in doesn't know if it's just icky toilet water or something worse!

  3. Ha ha!
    I almost forgot about that Seinfeld episode! I love when E runs out of the bathroom in the end with every roll of toilet paper!

  4. Ugh - talking through toilet doors! It's bad enough that I can hear you peeing and know that you can hear the same from me!! Let's just pretend for a brief moment (or however long it takes for bladders to empty) that we are not. really. there. until hands are washing. Deal? Deal!

  5. Rule 2 reminded me of a trip I was taking... Hubby and I stopped for a fuel and potty break. The whole time I was in the bathroom someone in an adjacent stall was talking to a friend about how she was fed up with her boyfriend?/Fiancee?/husband? and how she just wanted to end the relationship and all the things that had happened on their trip to make her so upset with him.
    A public restroom is not the place!!


Now remember, people are baring their very souls here. Please be kind. And for Pete's sake, keep it clean.